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Events of Forgetfulness

Memorial Center Gallery, Tivon, 2016

Nitzan Satt, architect and artist, explores in her work the term "creative destruction". A term borrowed from the financial world which refer to physical destruction, which is validated in the name of capitalist and national logic. In her work Sett deals with the Israeli phenomenon of a planted wood which covers ruins.

A fascinating and destructive affinity has been created between preserving nature and afforestation in order to 'cultivate wastelands' and erasing, blurring, and concealing the ruins of the repressed landscape. The education for afforestation we were raised on, with the JNF tin collection boxes and the joint civil effort to collect donations for the actualization of the national vision are also sophisticated machines of control- the tree as a political weapon.

Events of forgetfulness, cutting and processing of plastic, 70X30 Cm, 2016

(3) Per Nena Carmon's research "on the side of the roads and the margins of the consciousness" which is based on a thesis supervised by Prof. Oren Iftechel, there are 56 deserted/emptied Arab villages whose remains are within JNF lands

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